Dear Open Foris team,

The support of Adobe Flash Player is ending soon. Are the affected Open Foris modules and functions prepared before the deadline, do we need to do things for our existing surveys also? Which functions will be affected: I have some survey databases which I extend and use regularly with with Data Management and the Map utility. Are there also some consequences for Calc, Saiku etc.?

Best regards, Joseph

asked 14 Dec '20, 23:31

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Dec '20, 01:34

Version 4 of Collect is finally out!

This version is completely free of Flash usage so it is safe to use in the future. You can update from your older version or install it from out¡r website :

Our apologies for waiting till this late stage (but hey, we still 10 days shy of the 31st of December Flash End Of Life death line, it could have been worse! )

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answered 21 Dec '20, 10:22

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Dear Joseph,

Thank you for your question!

We have been preparing for this and will release the version 4 of Collect on Friday the 18th of December.

This version will NOT REQUIRE FLASH anymore as the interface will be fully HTML based (so no need for extra plugins). This means that you will be able to keep working with Collect without the need to do any changes on your surveys or workflow.

We will announce this release in out Twitter and Facebook channels.

If you want to test in advance, we have a "hidden" option in the current version of Collect (3.26.34) that will let you preview how the non-flash interface looks. You can Preview your survey with the new UI by clicking on Preview -> New UI without Flash Player.

You can also go to the list of registers in Data Management section and double-click in one of the records with the SHIFT key being pressed, this will show you the register in the non-flash UI.

The rest of the interface of Collect is already non-flash based so you will see no changes in version 4.

alt text

alt text

Then you will see the new UI, something like this :

alt text

Best regards, Open Foris Team,

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answered 15 Dec '20, 10:35

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

I tried the new UI both in Windows10 and Ubuntu20 with OF Collect v3.26.34 but in both the window rmains empty after 'Loading ...' (although it worked in an earlier version).

The hint to assess data without Flash Player by double-clicking the record holding the Shift did not work; both Data Management and the Map tool still remain using Flash Player

In the new Ubuntu20 the Flash Player (v32...) will not run anyway and using the Map tool the program crashes when zooming to a record point.

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answered 15 Dec '20, 15:37

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Jos,
The survey preview should work now with v3.26.35 of Collect.
The map tool won't use the Flash Player anymore only starting from version 4 of Collect.
Please be patient. Meanwhile please give us some feedback about the new UI using the survey preview.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 16 Dec '20, 10:40

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Hi, I am using Version: 3.26.36 and I can see the non-flash version by pressing shift key and from survey preview. It is looking promising. Well, flash player was required while opening a record but for Saiku, map, cleansing etc. possibly be remain same. Is is? Expecting a stable application without flash. Thanks to the developer team. Falgoonee

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answered 20 Dec '20, 10:35

falgoonee_forester's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jos,
We will write you to your email to better understand these issues.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 15 Dec '20, 15:41

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Congratulations, the new UI and Data Management (Double Click on Edit Record) work both in Windows and Ubuntu now in 3.26.35. To test the Map Tool further in Ubuntu, I will wait indeed for version 4, now testing the new UI, looks great, thanks. J


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answered 16 Dec '20, 23:30

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Dec '20, 15:41

I had a quick look and agree with Joseph, great job guys :)

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answered 18 Dec '20, 08:20

Andras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Also Map was using Adobe Flash Player for editing records, but is included in the new UI!

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answered 22 Dec '20, 23:30

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 14 Dec '20, 23:31

question was seen: 3,530 times

last updated: 23 Dec '20, 01:34