
I was trying to import plot data into Collect Earth (using the Collect Earth options panel). I always got the error saying "Columns in CSV do not match survey". Even though i got the error, the plot data can still be imported into Collect Earth. I am not sure what the issue is .

here is a portion of the csv file:

id,ycoord,xcoord,ele,slop,aspect 0,56.58899,-113.76972,108.43495,0.75489,0 1,56.58899,-113.66972,296.56506,1.06752,0 2,56.58899,-113.56972,108.43495,0.75489,0 3,56.58899,-113.46972,90,0.47745,0 4,56.58899,-113.36972,-9999,0,0 5,56.58899,-113.26972,78.69007,1.21712,0 6,56.58899,-113.16972,78.69007,1.21712,0 7,56.58899,-113.06972,239.03624,1.39176,0 8,56.58899,-112.96972,135,0.33761,0 9,56.58899,-112.86972,135,5.38598,0 10,56.48899,-113.76972,291.03751,3.32143,0 11,56.48899,-113.66972,63.43495,1.06752,0 12,56.48899,-113.56972,-9999,0,0 13,56.48899,-113.46972,18.43495,3.01696,0 14,56.48899,-113.36972,78.69007,1.21712,0 15,56.48899,-113.26972,225,0.33761,0 16,56.48899,-113.16972,225,0.33761,0 17,56.48899,-113.06972,63.43495,1.06752,0 18,56.48899,-112.96972,326.30994,1.72101,0



asked 09 Aug '17, 17:25

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Jinkai,
You can try to generate the "template" for the CSV data import from the Survey Designer (you can find this function among the Advanced Functions in the top right corner of the survey edit page):
alt text
You can compare the template with the file you are trying to import and check if there are any differences (please not that you have to respect the same column names that are in the template).
Open Foris Team

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answered 10 Aug '17, 16:33

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

In this specific case, after reviewing, it seems that the column names (the first line in the CSV) do not match the names of the variables in the survey.


Probably ele should be elevation and slop should have been slope.

If there are no columns names then the check is not performed.

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answered 14 Aug '17, 12:09

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thanks. After i changed column names to id,YCoordinate,XCoordinate,elevation,slope,aspect, it worked fine.

Good Day,


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answered 14 Aug '17, 22:13

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 09 Aug '17, 17:25

question was seen: 5,048 times

last updated: 14 Aug '17, 22:13