I would like to add my own imagery to a Collect Earth Online project. In particular, I want to visualize a single band that has 7 land cover classes. When I try to set the JSON Visualization Parameters I get an error: "Invalid JSON in the "Visualization Parameters" field." I cannot find any documentation online about which viz parameters are accepted. These are the parameters I have been trying to pass: {"bands":["LC_Class"], "min": 1, "max": 7, "palette": ['#5475a8', '#ffffff', '#b50000', '#d2cdc0', '#38814e', '#dcca8f', '#ca9146']}. Please help! |
Hi there, Information about visualization in CEO is available in the Institution and Project Creation manual available for download on the Support page (https://collect.earth/support). For visualizing GEE assets, the visualization parameters are based on those in GEE. You do not need the # signs for hex code. Either "palette":['111111','222222', '333333'] or "palette":"111111,222222,333333" will work. Best, Karen |
Thank you so much for the help! It worked. Best, Radost |