
I was using Collect 3.13.17 before. The application was running well. I just updated to the latest version 30min ago, then i could not launch the Collect application any more. The Control Panel says "Running", but the Chrome browser says "This page isn’t working , is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 503".

i tried to reboot the computer, but it did not help.

Any suggestion?



asked 02 Aug '17, 19:06

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Jinkai,
Try to open the log files collect.log collect_server.log in the folder C:\OpenForis\Collect\logs and try to see if there is an error reported there. We will contact you to your private email so you can share with us these files.
Open Foris Team

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answered 02 Aug '17, 20:59

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Jinkai,
After investigating your problem deeply, what happened is that something went wrong during the update and you need to perform some additional operations to cleanup Collect.
You will need to:
- shutdown Collect
- delete the folder c:\OpenForis\collect\webapps\collect
- start Collect again
Sometimes it can happen that the updater tries to delete that folder but it fails, causing the folder to remain empty. That folder is just a temporary folder that will be recreated on Collect startup.
Open Foris Team

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answered 03 Aug '17, 09:21

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 02 Aug '17, 19:06

question was seen: 7,712 times

last updated: 03 Aug '17, 09:21