Hi openforis friends,

In Costa Rica it seems to be a WMS service for orthophotos but it is not working properly when I add it as an Image Overlay -following the instructions giving in this community. Maybe you can help me out, here is the WMS service link: http://geos0.snitcr.go.cr/cgi-bin/web?map=ortofoto.map&SERVICE=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetCapabilities

Thank you,


asked 26 Oct '17, 14:56

atapiaarenas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It works now. It seems that my internet connection was the problem. So now it works, but not as well as expected. If I use the same WMS in QGIS it works fine, the quality is good, I can see roads and trees, but in Google Earth everything is fuzzy, like seeing a Landsat. Any ideas? If i changed it to image/jpeg it improves, but I cannot see the same quality as in QGIS. This makes me wonder if there is anything else I can do in the properties to achieve the same quality.

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answered 28 Oct '17, 16:00

atapiaarenas's gravatar image

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I have found a partial solution, as it turns out one can modify until certain extend some other stuff in the link of the WMS properties. I increased the height & width and it improved the visualization. Nevertheless, it is still better in QGIS. Does anyone have more ideas on how to improve the quality?

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answered 28 Oct '17, 16:27

atapiaarenas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Andrea,

Right now I don't have time to test, but if you change the width and height to 2048 the quality seems quite good.

Can you try with this?


You can test using this KML : DOWNLOAD KML

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answered 30 Oct '17, 13:14

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 30 Oct '17, 13:18

Hi, I tried the KML, it looks better but it is still not enough. I can't upload the images because I don't have the necessary points to do so. Nevertheless believe me, the quality is far off. So know I am wondering if it is possible to bring Collect Earth to QGIS, I know how to bring the plots to QGIS but it would be ideal to have some kind of plugin in QGIS that allows users to perform the photo-interpretation in this software.

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answered 31 Oct '17, 21:05

atapiaarenas's gravatar image

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question asked: 26 Oct '17, 14:56

question was seen: 4,531 times

last updated: 31 Oct '17, 21:05