By default the port number of open foris collect desktop is 8380. I would like to know if there is any way to change the port number and can multiple port number can be assigned.

Thanks, Biplab Baniya

asked 05 Nov '17, 08:45

Biplab's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Nov '17, 13:40

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦

Hello Biplab,

You can find the configuration file in :


Quit collect and then you can change the first line :


Save and start again, you should have Collect running on the desired port!

permanent link

answered 06 Nov '17, 17:32

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thank you, that was a very helpful information but I would like to ask one more question. Is there any way that more than one port number to be assigned for OpenForis so that two or more instances of OpenForis can be run at the same time with different data for each port.

(07 Nov '17, 05:36) Biplab Biplab's gravatar image
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question asked: 05 Nov '17, 08:45

question was seen: 2,202 times

last updated: 10 Nov '17, 13:40