Hi, My organization is evaluating OpenForis Collect and Collect Earth for internal project use. One of the questions raised by our evaluation team is :

How often Tomcat and third party library updates are rolled into new versions of Collect and Collect Earth?

Thank for your response in advance.

asked 09 Jul '18, 18:18

shend209's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We are glad that you are thinking of using our products within your organization!

We keep developing and bug-fixing Collect and Collect Earth quite frequently. There has been over 30 releases of Collect in 2018 only (see the list here RELEASES COLLECT ) and Collect Earth has had also over 10 releases this year so far ( RELEASE COLLECT EARTH )

We don't have an specific update plan for our dependencies but we try to keep them as updated as possible. We also receive alerts from GitHub, where our projects are hosted, whenever one of the dependencies might be subject to a security threat.

One of the libraries that is right now on our priorities to update is to move on from Saiku version 2.6 to the latest version as it is a bit old now.

Collect can be run in Tomcat version 7 upwards, so that would be up to your organization, if you want to deploy it in a dedicated server.

Please let us know if there is an specific version of the dependencies that you were wondering about or is worrying you.


Open Foris team

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answered 12 Jul '18, 18:29

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 09 Jul '18, 18:18

question was seen: 1,710 times

last updated: 12 Jul '18, 18:29