Hi there,

I am just trying to use the stratified area estimator....but have failed at the first hurdle - uploading a map to the SEPAL workspace that can be used to generate the sample points. I have seen that you can use a test dataset (congo)...but I would like to use my dataset based in Burkina Faso. I have the shapefile in zip format but I cannot find out how to upload it.

Apologies in advance for being daft and missing something!


asked 27 Feb '19, 12:11

bstedham's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Becky,

Thanks for your interest.

There are several ways to upload your own map.

1 via direct manual upload

If you zipped the shapefile you can directly upload by opening the Rstudio server under Process and use the upload button (bottom right panel). Illustrated here: https://github.com/openforis/accuracy-assessment/blob/master/presentations/p_sae_design.pdf

You can do the same from the Jupyter server under Process

2 via FTP manager

A more long term solution to upload and download files to/from SEPAL is to use a FTP manager such as FileZilla.

Go to File / Site manager


Then set parameters as follows: HOST: sepal.io PROTOCOL: SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol PORT: 443 LOGON: Ask for password User: your_sepal_username

Click Connect and you will have an interface between your desktop and your SEPAL environment

Hope it helps, let me know



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answered 27 Feb '19, 12:37

lecrabe's gravatar image

lecrabe ♦
accept rate: 5%

edited 27 Feb '19, 12:38

Great Rémi, thank you. I used the Rstudio server approach. Thank you for your response.

(27 Feb '19, 12:44) bstedham bstedham's gravatar image

To update Remi's answer, the parameters for connecting SEPAL to FileZilla have slightly changed. The host site is now: ssh.sepal.io. All the other parameters and instructions remain the same. For updated instructions on how to connect SEPAL to FileZila checkthese instructions.

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answered 02 Jun '20, 11:53

yelena's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Feb '19, 12:11

question was seen: 3,470 times

last updated: 02 Jun '20, 11:53