As in post I would like to link 3 levels of plots (parcelle,carré,quadrat ; then trees) with 3 neested 'Code Attribute'. Those levels are well defined in the sampling_desgin (level_1 -> level_3).

level1_code level2_code level3_code x   y   srs_id  province    region  plot_id 
1   1   1   100 1800    EPSG:32630          1_1_1
1   1   2   100 1800    EPSG:32630          1_1_2 
1   1   3   100 1800    EPSG:32630          1_1_3
1   1   4   100 1820    EPSG:32630          1_1_4

I can set the level_2 for 'carré' with his parent 'parcelle'. But I can't set the level_3 for 'quadrat' as the "Select parent attribute" popup only shows the level_1 'parcelle', not the level_2.

alt text

alt text

How can I set this level_3 ?

Btw I can specify (I tested that works) the geofence of a tree with the coordinates x,y with the formula : idm:samplingPointCoordinate(parent()/parc_id,parent()/carre_id,parent()/quadrat_id)

asked 01 Mar '19, 11:42

Chatmetaleux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry the images are cut... alt text

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permanent link

answered 01 Mar '19, 11:45

Chatmetaleux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks to developpers, the templates are fixed now in the new version of Collect.

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '19, 10:04

Chatmetaleux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 01 Mar '19, 11:42

question was seen: 2,023 times

last updated: 11 Mar '19, 10:04