Dear Openforis Team

I have a question about using "Sampling Point Data". I imported your example list into Collect. How is this list usable? Can I complement it and add new values in an additional column? I don't understand the relation between "Sampling Point Data" and the "Schema".

Thanks for your help!

asked 29 Mar '19, 16:35

Sabrina's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Sabrina,
Once you create your list of sampling point data, you can use it as a code list (it's called sampling_design among the list of available code lists in the code attribute editor).
Also, you can define extra columns; all the columns with a name different from level1_code, level2_code, level3_code, x, y, srs_id will be considered as extra info column and you can use it in your expressions or in a calculated attribute with this function:

idm:samplingPointData('extra_info_column_name', plot_num)

You can have a look to the functions used in Collect by clicking on the button close to every expression text box and we will add soon a detailed documentation about these functions in the Collect manual.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 01 Apr '19, 10:20

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Dear OF Team Thanks again for supporting me! Importing a sampling point file with additional columns and including it as code attributes in the schema works. Is it possible to define a column other than level_1 as code in the schema? For example level_3? The information from the Sampling Point file is used in my survey as a default to identify an object in the field. Therefore, all columns should be displayed. The objects are then supplemented with new attributes. When I export the survey to Collect Mobile, only the code (level_1) is displayed. Is it possible that all information from the Sampling Point file are displayed? For example the coordinates and the columns I have defined.

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answered 02 Apr '19, 12:37

Sabrina's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Mar '19, 16:35

question was seen: 2,082 times

last updated: 02 Apr '19, 12:37