Hi My survey contains a SamplingPointData file in which I want to check the species names. I tried idm:samplingPointData('baumart', vorgabe) where baumart= species name and vorgabe= name of the SamplingPointData file are. I chose "Pattern" as Check type. In the Preview an error message occurs that I should contact the system administrator. Which is the correct XPath expression to check the species name? Thanks for your support, Sabrina asked 09 Apr '19, 11:00 Sabrina |
Dear Sabrina, If you have only one species name in your Sampling Point Data per sampling unit (i.e. object of interest, even tree) and the field to validate is a text field, you can try this:
But if you know your species in advance, you do not need to fill it in because then you can use a function (i.e. Calculated value expression) to automatically retrieve it. Regards, Lauri answered 06 May '19, 10:19 Lauri (OF) ♦♦ |
Dear Sabrina, Sampling Point data is basically meant to be a lookup list for sample ids and their attributes and not a flat lookup list. Please see Collect Manual and 11.4 SAMPLING POINT DATA Instead of Sampling Point data, please use Species list and taxon data type in the survey. Regards, Lauri answered 03 May '19, 09:42 Lauri (OF) ♦♦ |
Hi Lauri Thanks for your answer. Of course I have read the manual but for me there are still some ambiguities. I know that the Sampling Point Data is used to check existing values like DBH. The check worked for number attributes (e.g. azimuth). Since the tree species is also an attribute in the Sampling Point Data, it should be possible to check it, dont't you? The error message occurs, when I use Code List to check the tree species. The error message appears even though I have selected the correct species name. When I write the species name there is no error message. Is a check only possible if the species name is written? answered 03 May '19, 16:50 Sabrina |