Dear OF team,

I updated a little late to 3.26.7: but after i did I can again: Record edit from Map module. Great! I have one suggestion to place (overlay) the map layer with sampled/edited data on top of layer with sampling points. Now it is the inverse: if i sample exactly on the location (although almost impossible), i cannot access the record in the map module! I have this awkward situation because i use baseline information in a record using the exact sampling plot coordinates.

Thanks a lot for update 3.26.7: handy!


asked 04 May '20, 19:05

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 May '20, 01:37

Thanks Openforis (SR),

Update 3.26.10 enables now seemless info gathering and editing of points from the Map display:
1) sampling points - blue circle: ID, lat & lon;
2) sampled points: ID, SRID:lat & lon, Phase -entry (red)/cleansing (orange)/analysis (green), Selected data, and the possibility yo Edit record from the map!

In the case location of 1) and 2) are exactly the same popping of 1) or 2) depends the sampling status.

Cheers, Joseph

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answered 25 May '20, 16:27

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 May '20, 17:41

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question asked: 04 May '20, 19:05

question was seen: 2,367 times

last updated: 29 May '20, 17:41