Dear Open Foris team, I have a survey where I create a unique code based on the concatenation of the date and time. date_indiv: default value = idm:currentDate() time_indiv: default value = idm:currentTime() code: default value = concat(date_indiv,"-",time_indiv)

How can I modify my expression to obtain a code which includes "0", for example "0912" for 9h12: thus "20200604-0912". My current expression gives me "20200604-912"; so it seems to do it automatically for the date but not for the time.

Thanks a lot in advance, Bruno

asked 04 Jun '20, 07:23

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


For the same question I used the nexts expressions in the default value:

concat(substring(date,3,6),"_",time) apply when time>=1000;

concat(substring(date,3,6), "_0",time) apply when time>=100;

concat(substring(date,3,6), "_00",time) apply when time>=10;

where date is a field with default expression idm:currentDate() and time with idm:currentTime()


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answered 04 Jun '20, 07:47

lcomas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks a lot for your speedy reply. It worked. Best wishes, Bruno

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answered 05 Jun '20, 10:49

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Jun '20, 07:23

question was seen: 2,422 times

last updated: 05 Jun '20, 10:49