I do not see any buttons to restore my password, as it tells my login and password are incorrect. User interface of logging in is really lacking any buttons and I do not see it matching the manual. I type login and password from my OpenForis Support account and it does not match. I type 'admin' in both fields (according to user manual) and it does not match. What should I do?

Btw, please do something with user interface. It is so user-unfriendly, that I am just lacking the proper words.

asked 09 Jan '23, 03:54

Janzeero's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear user,
Collect is meant to be used without any internet connection, this is why you don't have the possibility to recover your password. You will be contacted by our colleague Stefano Ricci to you private email; he will help you to restore your password with the default one.
We hope that no one is forcing you to use our (free and open source) software and we are open to any suggestions on how to improve the UI, feel free to use the support forum or GitHub for this.
Open Foris Team

permanent link

answered 09 Jan '23, 12:14

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Please do not consider it is as complaining, I used your software since 2019 and suggest it is great! Just forgot my login-password and manual tells I can change it when running, but I do not see any relevant button there. Another option could be to use Collect Earth Online, but it doesn't support historical time series of Google VHR images which are crucial for my data collection.

(09 Jan '23, 12:17) Janzeero Janzeero's gravatar image

Many thanks for your message. Collect and Collect Earth still remains the better choice for Google VHR images. Please check your mail box, a message should have been sent by Stefano Ricci. He will help you to reset the password. Thanks.

(10 Jan '23, 13:40) Stefano (OF) ♦♦ Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image
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question asked: 09 Jan '23, 03:54

question was seen: 513 times

last updated: 10 Jan '23, 13:40