I just discovered the earthmap website and I love it! I just regret I did not learn about it earlier! Thank you very much for the service to the community. Would it be possible to select multiple areas, either within a country e.g. for administrative units, ecoregions or biomes, or for several countries, and download the computed statistics in one csv file? This would facilitate a lot the integration of this information in our models on food and land use systems within the FABLE Consortium.

asked 18 Apr '23, 14:37

alinemosnier's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Glad that you like Earth Map and it can be of service.

Sadly we have no good way of selecting multiple areas on the Earth Map UI. This is a feature that has been on our TODO list or a while. There are 3 possible workarounds:

  1. EASIEST : Generate the polygons of your assembled AOIs outside of Earth Map (i.e. QGis), then export them as a GeoJSON or Shapefile and import the shapefile into Earth Map. Here is a guide on how to import and use your polygons : https://help.earthmap.org/how-to-guides/import-polygons-boundaries

  2. DOABLE (Requires knowing a bit of GEE coding) : Use Google Earth Engine with our scripts to obtain the data. You can basically get the same information from Earth Map using this script : https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users%2Fopenforisinitiative%2FEarthMap%3AResults%2FPortal%2FCharts ( see the testPublicFunctions function )

  3. NOT SO EASY (Requires some programming knowledge ) : Use our API to get all the information about your polygons in a programmatic way. See this URL (and let us know if you need more guidance ) : https://earthmap.org/EarthMap-API-TESTING.html

permanent link

answered 18 Apr '23, 17:05

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 18 Apr '23, 14:37

question was seen: 11,821 times

last updated: 18 Apr '23, 17:05