When I create a survey on Collect and have to import the CSV file of the grid, what is the fastest way to break this file into several parts? For example, I have a CSV file that contains 2900 rows (points), is there a quick way to save the file in 4 parts?

asked 22 Apr '23, 08:56

CamillaF's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Google Earth has problems handling KMLs ( the file that shows the plots on the inteface) that contains more than 2.000 plots (or placemarks when you speak about KML).

We have developed a very useful tool within Collect Earth that allows you to divide large CSV files into smaller ones. You can access it through Tools->Utilities->Divide large CSV files

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This will give you a dialog where you can choose the original large CSV file and then have a few options, like:

  • how many files you want to subdivide it into
  • if you want the order of the plots to be randomized,
  • if you want the plots to be aggregated using one of the columns on the CSV (i.e. if there is a province column on the CSV you could generate smaller CSVs that only have plots within a single province, also the names of the CSVs would be of the province . i.e. if you have a large Italy.csv you will get Lazio.csv, Campanaia.csv and so on)

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answered 23 Apr '23, 10:10

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 23 Apr '23, 10:11

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question asked: 22 Apr '23, 08:56

question was seen: 1,039 times

last updated: 23 Apr '23, 10:11