Hello OF team,

In setting up our survey for data collection, there was a portion for plot area which is in hectares and had options to choose from. An option was chosen and when the survey was imported into Google Earth, the option chosen was not what was seen. In measuring the plot in google earth, it was about 70 meters and we don't know how that was derived.

We want to know if there's a way we can reduce the size of the plots because they are interlocking and it's making our work difficult.

(NB: Wanted to add a picture of the interlocking plots but I'm not given the permission)

asked 30 May '23, 13:40

neska's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the plot is 70 meters in side then you choose the 0.5 hectares type of plot.

You can change the plot your to 0.25 hectares (50 meters) in the connect direct designer or you can also change the plot size in the Properties dialog of Collect Earth.

permanent link

answered 31 May '23, 16:12

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 31 May '23, 16:13


Thank you for the response. Very much appreciated

(31 May '23, 18:00) neska neska's gravatar image

I also want to be able to click any portion outside the plot and the survey should open/ pop up but it doesn't happen.

What can I do to make that work?

(31 May '23, 18:23) neska neska's gravatar image
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question asked: 30 May '23, 13:40

question was seen: 768 times

last updated: 31 May '23, 18:23