Dear developers,

We want to use Arena Mobile in our organization and make it mandatory for contractors. While most elements are self-explaining, I assume that a German version of the App would make it even more intuitive and attractive. Would this be possible? Happy to help with translations if necessary.

Best wishes Alex

asked 12 Apr '24, 12:42

amilles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Alex,

Thanks for your interest, We are uploading version 1.42

Could you check if the version is well-translated to german? happy to fix and update copies.

Best, Ramiro

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answered 12 Apr '24, 15:48

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 13%

Hi Ramiro,

many thanks for the quick reply and solution. It is almost perfect and I only found some minor issues that I want to mention for completeness.

On the page with general survey info, I found the following issues: Create date still in English Modify date still in English Selected language still in English

Maybe keep English version of Arena role in addition "Umfrageadministrator (survey administrator)"?

For record editing, I found the following issues:

When addding new entry to form/table new was translated to "Neu" which is per se correct but "+ Neu Eintrag" is wrong and would always either be "Neue" or "Neuer" depending on Genus of the entry label. One solution would be to say "Eintrag hinzufügen" which translates to "add entry".

The select date widget is still in English.

Many thanks and best wishes Alex

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answered 19 Apr '24, 07:55

amilles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Apr '24, 07:56

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question asked: 12 Apr '24, 12:42

question was seen: 1,476 times

last updated: 19 Apr '24, 07:56