Hello OF Team,

I have been using the experimental version of Arena Mobile after a colleague referred me to it and very much enjoy it. While the standard version of the app is good, I find the experimental version to be a bit faster and with improved look and better tactile useability. Thank you for all your work on the standard and experimental versions of the mobile application!


asked 22 Jul, 20:36

bnagelson's gravatar image

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Hello OF team,

In the same direction as Bryant, I would like to contribute that our experience with both APPs is similar, the official one is a good tool but the experimental version is more intuitive and agile, in fact for our field work we are using the experimental version of Arena Mobile.

Good job to the entire team!


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answered 24 Jul, 04:15

osgarcia's gravatar image

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Dear Arena Mobile colleagues, I just checked on the updated versions of these two apps; I noticed that you have implemented the multiple lines in both, which is great. I captured test data without trouble in both. In the past I had some issues with image collection when using Arena Mobile (not Arena Experiment), but this time both worked perfectly. My main problem with Arena Mobile is something I have already mentioned regarding the 'bottom' box of the screen. It is not really useful to me, and it occupies a disproportionate part of the screen. So basically, I minimize it always. But even if I minimize it in the root, later when I enter lower level entries, it goes back to extended, and so I have to minimize it again, which is a significant loss of time.

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answered 24 Jul, 11:29

bsenterre's gravatar image

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Dear Open Foris Team,

My team similarly found that the AM app became slow when inputting larger volumes of data. I don't remember exactly how many trees (but imagine as we neared 100 trees in a plot), or neared the end of the 30 vegetation quadrats surveyed (each with multiple entities in tables. We used both an Android and Apple device. At first I thought it was the device needing to be updated, but this problem completely cleared up when I found the AM Experiments app.

My team immediately found the Experiments app to be more intuitive and have better data visualization while inputting information into the app, so we continued to use this for the remainder of our field season. My team used two devices simultaneously to gather data at each plot, so I was very excited to see there is now an option in the latest version of Experiments to merge the data from both devices into a single record. This feature has greatly enhanced my workflow and organization of our data.

Thank you for continuing to enhance and experiment with features that make these apps more useful for our work!

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answered 23 Aug, 03:12

Mdeslaur13's gravatar image

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Dear users,
Many thanks for using and enjoying our tools.
Arena Mobile Experiments was meant to be just a prototype to play wiht new features and using it to collect data in the field is not suggested.
However, if you find there some features that are essential for you work and you would like to see them in the official app, please let us know.
Also, referring to what Bryant was saying, can you please be more specific? When you say that the experimental app is a bit faster, are you talking about something in particular? Or is it just a generic perception? Can you please provide some evidence in case you find some performance issues, sharing with us some videos and details about the device you are using?
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 24 Jul, 09:16

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%


Yesterday was my first day using a newly-developed survey in AM. I found that the app became quite slow and difficult to use as the number of records in a multiple entity grew large (100+ records). Dropdown menus for multiple attributes were very slow to open, and the creation of new records within the multiple entity took 10-15 seconds. In general, the app was very "laggy" and unresponsive at times, and I mostly noticed this problem with large multiple entities. I was using the most recent version of AM on an Android tablet.

I did not have the chance to extensively use the same survey in AME to compare performance.

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answered 09 Aug, 19:01

bnagelson's gravatar image

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Hello Bryant Nagelson, what device, survey and version of the application are you using to help you.


(16 Aug, 14:01) Ramiro (OF) Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Hi Ramiro,

I was running Android 13 on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S4, and I was using the newest version of the Arena Mobile that was available the morning of August 8th (I updated the app that morning before heading out into the woods). I would be happy to share my survey with you if you'd like it. What is the best way for me to send it to you?

(22 Aug, 22:27) bnagelson bnagelson's gravatar image

Dear Bryant,
What device are you using?
I've tried to run your survey in both AM and Arena Mobile Experiments, using one of your records (400+ entities in a single record) and as I could't see any significative difference in creating new entities. What dropdown menus are you talking about? Is the slowness coming after some time that the user is working on the same record? What happens if you try to close the app and continue to work again on the same record? Is it still slow?
Anyway, if you want to try the same survey with the same records in Arena Mobile Experiments, just import your survey, fetch the list of records in the remote server in the records list, download one of your already inserted records and try to update it in AME.
Also, as I could see in your survey, there are some read-only attributes where the expression is calculated again and again every time the user inserts a new entity; for example, in the attribute id_within_row, after Default values you can enable the option "Default value evaluated only one time", because the expression would be evaluated (for every tree) every time the user inserts a new "tree" entity but the result of the expression won't change, and it's useless to re-calculate it again and again.
Let us know, many thanks.
Open Foris Team

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answered 12 Aug, 23:16

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Stefano, please, does the evaluation "again and again" holds also for validations? We have a complex expression calculating horizontal distance of the tree. If the tree is out of 40x40m square, it triggers error. But maybe it is re-evaluated for all trees when adding a new one? So app is working slower and slower? As reported https://openforis.support/questions/4038/arena-mobile-experiments/4067?

(21 Aug, 22:43) jurafejfar jurafejfar's gravatar image

Dear open-foris team, we are facing similar problem:

"our field crew has reported that the app becomes very slow (and continuously slower) when inputting tree data (other plot data seem to be fine)."


"I'm afraid I don't have much more information. They just notice that the app becomes slower while they are working. It is by far most notable (and interfering with the workflow, bordering unusable) when they record tree data. They are using some regular tablet with Android."

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answered 21 Aug, 22:39

jurafejfar's gravatar image

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Tablet used is: Samsung Tab S6 Lite (SM-P615, 128 GB). I am asking the team about the critical number of trees.

(22 Aug, 12:34) jurafejfar jurafejfar's gravatar image

could you confirm the version of the application that you and your team are using?

(22 Aug, 15:08) Ramiro (OF) Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

It's version (198) or later. We will try to get exact information.

(22 Aug, 22:02) jurafejfar jurafejfar's gravatar image

Dear users,
You should not have any performance issues with the latest version of Arena Mobile (198) or later.
If you encounter these kind of issues while editing a large number of entities in a multiple entity (table), you should check the expressions defined in every attribute (default values, validation rules, etc.), because, depending on the way they are defined, they could be evaluated by Arena and Arena Mobile too many times when you create a new entity or delete an existing one.
Please follow the following rules:
- when you have a default value with an expression that depends on the "index" of the entity, like index($context) + 1, mark it with "Default value evaluated only one time", otherwise the expression will be evaluated again and again every time you insert a new entity;
- when you have a validation rule that checks the value of an attribute, please prefer the use of "this" instead of the name of the variable; e.g. this > 10 instead of attribute_name > 10 or parent_entity_name.attribute_name > 10;

Reguarding the merge feature server side, we are still working on it and it should be ready in September 2024.

If you still find issues on Arena Mobile, please open a new thread about that and keep this one only to talk about differences between Arena Mobile and Arena Mobile Experiments, especially about features you would like to see in the official app.

Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 26 Aug, 11:16

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 22 Jul, 20:36

question was seen: 314 times

last updated: 26 Aug, 11:16