
I am following your advice on how to embed Earth Map into my website using an iFrame ( USING THIS INFO ). Could you please give me some advice on how to set it so show an specific country as soon as the user logs in?

Thank you!

asked 06 Sep, 16:51

collector's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There is always the option to add a GET parameter called aoi (Area of interest at the end of the URL ) using the ISO Code 2 of the country like so : https://earthmap.org/?aoi=pe , however, we have also the option to add the name of the country directly at the end of the URL like so https://earthmap.org/Peru

The Country name should have no spaces! https://earthmap.org/UnitedStates

Hope this helps.

permanent link

answered 06 Sep, 17:07

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 06 Sep, 17:08

Here is a list of version of Earth Map per country :

Earth Map for Algeria: https://earthmap.org/Algeria
Earth Map for Andorra: https://earthmap.org/Andorra
Earth Map for Angola: https://earthmap.org/Angola
Earth Map for AntiguaAndBarbuda: https://earthmap.org/AntiguaAndBarbuda
Earth Map for Argentina: https://earthmap.org/Argentina
Earth Map for Armenia: https://earthmap.org/Armenia
Earth Map for Australia: https://earthmap.org/Australia
Earth Map for Austria: https://earthmap.org/Austria
Earth Map for Azerbaijan: https://earthmap.org/Azerbaijan
Earth Map for Bahamas: https://earthmap.org/Bahamas
Earth Map for Bahrain: https://earthmap.org/Bahrain
Earth Map for Bangladesh: https://earthmap.org/Bangladesh
Earth Map for Barbados: https://earthmap.org/Barbados
Earth Map for Belarus: https://earthmap.org/Belarus
Earth Map for Belgium: https://earthmap.org/Belgium
Earth Map for Belize: https://earthmap.org/Belize
Earth Map for Benin: https://earthmap.org/Benin
Earth Map for Bhutan: https://earthmap.org/Bhutan
Earth Map for Bolivia: https://earthmap.org/Bolivia
Earth Map for Bosnia And Herzegovina: https://earthmap.org/BosniaAndHerzegovina
Earth Map for Botswana: https://earthmap.org/Botswana
Earth Map for Brazil: https://earthmap.org/Brazil
Earth Map for Brunei: https://earthmap.org/Brunei
Earth Map for Bulgaria: https://earthmap.org/Bulgaria
Earth Map for Burkina Faso: https://earthmap.org/BurkinaFaso
Earth Map for Burundi: https://earthmap.org/Burundi
Earth Map for Cambodia: https://earthmap.org/Cambodia
Earth Map for Cameroon: https://earthmap.org/Cameroon
Earth Map for Canada: https://earthmap.org/Canada
Earth Map for Cape Verde: https://earthmap.org/CapeVerde
Earth Map for Central African Republic: https://earthmap.org/CentralAfricanRepublic
Earth Map for Chad: https://earthmap.org/Chad
Earth Map for Chile: https://earthmap.org/Chile
Earth Map for China: https://earthmap.org/China
Earth Map for Colombia: https://earthmap.org/Colombia
Earth Map for Comoros: https://earthmap.org/Comoros
Earth Map for Congo: https://earthmap.org/Congo
Earth Map for CostaRica: https://earthmap.org/CostaRica
Earth Map for Croatia: https://earthmap.org/Croatia
Earth Map for Cuba: https://earthmap.org/Cuba
Earth Map for Cyprus: https://earthmap.org/Cyprus
Earth Map for Czech Republic: https://earthmap.org/CzechRepublic
Earth Map for Denmark: https://earthmap.org/Denmark
Earth Map for Djibouti: https://earthmap.org/Djibouti
Earth Map for Dominica: https://earthmap.org/Dominica
Earth Map for Dominican Republic: https://earthmap.org/DominicanRepublic
Earth Map for Ecuador: https://earthmap.org/Ecuador
Earth Map for Egypt: https://earthmap.org/Egypt
Earth Map for El Salvador: https://earthmap.org/ElSalvador
Earth Map for Equatorial Guinea: https://earthmap.org/EquatorialGuinea
Earth Map for Eritrea: https://earthmap.org/Eritrea
Earth Map for Estonia: https://earthmap.org/Estonia
Earth Map for Eswatini: https://earthmap.org/Eswatini
Earth Map for Ethiopia: https://earthmap.org/Ethiopia
Earth Map for Fiji: https://earthmap.org/Fiji
Earth Map for Finland: https://earthmap.org/Finland
Earth Map for France: https://earthmap.org/France
Earth Map for Gabon: https://earthmap.org/Gabon
Earth Map for Gambia: https://earthmap.org/Gambia
Earth Map for Georgia: https://earthmap.org/Georgia
Earth Map for Germany: https://earthmap.org/Germany
Earth Map for Ghana: https://earthmap.org/Ghana
Earth Map for Greece: https://earthmap.org/Greece
Earth Map for Grenada: https://earthmap.org/Grenada
Earth Map for Guatemala: https://earthmap.org/Guatemala
Earth Map for Guinea: https://earthmap.org/Guinea
Earth Map for Guinea Bissau: https://earthmap.org/GuineaBissau
Earth Map for Guyana: https://earthmap.org/Guyana
Earth Map for Haiti: https://earthmap.org/Haiti
Earth Map for Honduras: https://earthmap.org/Honduras
Earth Map for Hungary: https://earthmap.org/Hungary
Earth Map for Iceland: https://earthmap.org/Iceland
Earth Map for India: https://earthmap.org/India
Earth Map for Indonesia: https://earthmap.org/Indonesia
Earth Map for Iran: https://earthmap.org/Iran
Earth Map for Iraq: https://earthmap.org/Iraq
Earth Map for Ireland: https://earthmap.org/Ireland
Earth Map for Israel: https://earthmap.org/Israel
Earth Map for Italy: https://earthmap.org/Italy
Earth Map for Ivory Coast: https://earthmap.org/IvoryCoast
Earth Map for Jamaica: https://earthmap.org/Jamaica
Earth Map for Japan: https://earthmap.org/Japan
Earth Map for Jordan: https://earthmap.org/Jordan
Earth Map for Kazakhstan: https://earthmap.org/Kazakhstan
Earth Map for Kenya: https://earthmap.org/Kenya
Earth Map for Kiribati: https://earthmap.org/Kiribati
Earth Map for Korea: https://earthmap.org/Korea
Earth Map for Kuwait: https://earthmap.org/Kuwait
Earth Map for Kyrgyzstan: https://earthmap.org/Kyrgyzstan
Earth Map for Laos: https://earthmap.org/Laos
Earth Map for Latvia: https://earthmap.org/Latvia
Earth Map for Lebanon: https://earthmap.org/Lebanon
Earth Map for Lesotho: https://earthmap.org/Lesotho
Earth Map for Liberia: https://earthmap.org/Liberia
Earth Map for Libya: https://earthmap.org/Libya
Earth Map for Liechtenstein: https://earthmap.org/Liechtenstein
Earth Map for Lithuania: https://earthmap.org/Lithuania
Earth Map for Luxembourg: https://earthmap.org/Luxembourg
Earth Map for Madagascar: https://earthmap.org/Madagascar
Earth Map for Malawi: https://earthmap.org/Malawi
Earth Map for Malaysia: https://earthmap.org/Malaysia
Earth Map for Maldives: https://earthmap.org/Maldives
Earth Map for Mali: https://earthmap.org/Mali
Earth Map for Malta: https://earthmap.org/Malta
Earth Map for Mauritania: https://earthmap.org/Mauritania
Earth Map for Mauritius: https://earthmap.org/Mauritius
Earth Map for Mexico: https://earthmap.org/Mexico
Earth Map for Moldova: https://earthmap.org/Moldova
Earth Map for Monaco: https://earthmap.org/Monaco
Earth Map for Mongolia: https://earthmap.org/Mongolia
Earth Map for Montenegro: https://earthmap.org/Montenegro
Earth Map for Morocco: https://earthmap.org/Morocco
Earth Map for Mozambique: https://earthmap.org/Mozambique
Earth Map for Myanmar: https://earthmap.org/Myanmar
Earth Map for Namibia: https://earthmap.org/Namibia
Earth Map for Nauru: https://earthmap.org/Nauru
Earth Map for Nepal: https://earthmap.org/Nepal
Earth Map for Netherlands: https://earthmap.org/Netherlands
Earth Map for New Zealand: https://earthmap.org/NewZealand
Earth Map for Nicaragua: https://earthmap.org/Nicaragua
Earth Map for Niger: https://earthmap.org/Niger
Earth Map for Nigeria: https://earthmap.org/Nigeria
Earth Map for North Korea: https://earthmap.org/NorthKorea
Earth Map for North Macedonia: https://earthmap.org/NorthMacedonia
Earth Map for Norway: https://earthmap.org/Norway
Earth Map for Oman: https://earthmap.org/Oman
Earth Map for Pakistan: https://earthmap.org/Pakistan
Earth Map for Palau: https://earthmap.org/Palau
Earth Map for Palestine: https://earthmap.org/Palestine
Earth Map for Panama: https://earthmap.org/Panama
Earth Map for Papua New Guinea: https://earthmap.org/PapuaNewGuinea
Earth Map for Paraguay: https://earthmap.org/Paraguay
Earth Map for Peru: https://earthmap.org/Peru
Earth Map for Philippines: https://earthmap.org/Philippines
Earth Map for Poland: https://earthmap.org/Poland
Earth Map for Portugal: https://earthmap.org/Portugal
Earth Map for Qatar: https://earthmap.org/Qatar
Earth Map for Romania: https://earthmap.org/Romania
Earth Map for Russia: https://earthmap.org/Russia
Earth Map for Rwanda: https://earthmap.org/Rwanda
Earth Map for Saint Kitts And Nevis: https://earthmap.org/SaintKittsAndNevis
Earth Map for Saint Lucia: https://earthmap.org/SaintLucia
Earth Map for Saint Vincent And TheGrenadines: https://earthmap.org/SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines
Earth Map for Samoa: https://earthmap.org/Samoa
Earth Map for San Marino: https://earthmap.org/SanMarino
Earth Map for Sao Tome And Principe: https://earthmap.org/SaoTomeAndPrincipe
Earth Map for Saudi Arabia: https://earthmap.org/SaudiArabia
Earth Map for Senegal: https://earthmap.org/Senegal
Earth Map for Serbia: https://earthmap.org/Serbia
Earth Map for Seychelles: https://earthmap.org/Seychelles
Earth Map for Sierra Leone: https://earthmap.org/SierraLeone
Earth Map for Singapore: https://earthmap.org/Singapore
Earth Map for Slovakia: https://earthmap.org/Slovakia
Earth Map for Slovenia: https://earthmap.org/Slovenia
Earth Map for Solomon Islands: https://earthmap.org/SolomonIslands
Earth Map for Somalia: https://earthmap.org/Somalia
Earth Map for South Africa: https://earthmap.org/SouthAfrica
Earth Map for South Korea: https://earthmap.org/SouthKorea
Earth Map for South Sudan: https://earthmap.org/SouthSudan
Earth Map for Spain: https://earthmap.org/Spain
Earth Map for Sri Lanka: https://earthmap.org/SriLanka
Earth Map for Sudan: https://earthmap.org/Sudan
Earth Map for Suriname: https://earthmap.org/Suriname
Earth Map for Sweden: https://earthmap.org/Sweden
Earth Map for Switzerland: https://earthmap.org/Switzerland
Earth Map for Syria: https://earthmap.org/Syria
Earth Map for Taiwan: https://earthmap.org/Taiwan
Earth Map for Tajikistan: https://earthmap.org/Tajikistan
Earth Map for Tanzania: https://earthmap.org/Tanzania
Earth Map for Thailand: https://earthmap.org/Thailand
Earth Map for Togo: https://earthmap.org/Togo
Earth Map for Tonga: https://earthmap.org/Tonga
Earth Map for Trinidad And Tobago: https://earthmap.org/TrinidadAndTobago
Earth Map for Tunisia: https://earthmap.org/Tunisia
Earth Map for Turkey: https://earthmap.org/Turkey
Earth Map for Turkmenistan: https://earthmap.org/Turkmenistan
Earth Map for Tuvalu: https://earthmap.org/Tuvalu
Earth Map for Uganda: https://earthmap.org/Uganda
Earth Map for Ukraine: https://earthmap.org/Ukraine
Earth Map for United Arab Emirates: https://earthmap.org/UnitedArabEmirates
Earth Map for United Kingdom: https://earthmap.org/UK
Earth Map for United States: https://earthmap.org/USA
Earth Map for Uruguay: https://earthmap.org/Uruguay
Earth Map for Uzbekistan: https://earthmap.org/Uzbekistan
Earth Map for Vanuatu: https://earthmap.org/Vanuatu
Earth Map for Venezuela: https://earthmap.org/Venezuela
Earth Map for Vietnam: https://earthmap.org/Vietnam
Earth Map for Yemen: https://earthmap.org/Yemen
Earth Map for Zambia: https://earthmap.org/Zambia
Earth Map for Zimbabwe: https://earthmap.org/Zimbabwe

permanent link

answered 06 Sep, 17:25

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 09 Sep, 10:05

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question asked: 06 Sep, 16:51

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last updated: 09 Sep, 10:05