Hello, may I suggest updating the map dataset? The JRC has released new datasets for Forest Cover 2 and Forest Type. Could you consider adding these to the map for degradation detection and improved analysis? Thank you so much for this website. |
Could you be more specific about which datasets you are talking about? We already have the JRC - Global map of forest cover 2020 (v. 2) SEE HERE As well as the JRC - Tropical Moist Forest - Transition 1990-2023 SEE HERE Let us know about other datasets that we might be missing and what you would use them for! |
I mean, for the new forest-type map, the EU Forest Observatory has launched a preliminary version that differentiates between naturally regenerating forests, primary forests, and planted/plantation forests. For the WHISP supply chain due diligence, will you add this dataset further? |
We will wait until there is a version 1 of this product https://forobs.jrc.ec.europa.eu/GFT The current version is in testing phase and based on the GFC v1, currently WHISP uses GFC v2... As soon as it will be updated to v.1 we will add this Global Forest Type project to the WHISP analysis |