I've been successfully able to connect to the openforis collect sqlite database via HTSQL (http://htsql.org/). Now i would like to integrate a module inside the openforis collect user interface, but im having some problems locating the files associated with the home page of open foris. Could you give me some guidelines where are these files located on github? alt text

alt text

All in all i think that integration of collect with htsql might be perfect solution for collect.

I'm not familiar with flash, but have no problems with html, html5 or java. Will I be able to figure this out? :)

Many thanks for your info,


asked 27 Jun '16, 13:36

dfinzagr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jun '16, 13:47

Hi Domen,

That is a good idea, but have you tried updating to the latest Open Foris Collect and use the Saiku option from the main page? I see that you are using version 3.9.15 and we are already in 3.10.12

The best option is that you shutdown Saiku and then download the installer (the updater does not contain Saiku) directly from our website.

You need to publish your survey, have the survey data that will be shown in the Saiku interface imported and then you can launch Saiku to visualize the data.

If the Saiku logo is not enabled it means that you have updated from an old version using the updater and that you need to force the Saiku installation by installing usin the full installer from our website.

alt text

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answered 28 Jun '16, 00:38

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%


The pictures I've posted are sample pics to explain myself what i want to do :)

The version I'm using has Saiku already integrated, tried it, but still think that HTSQL is a complimentary module not competition to the Saiku module.

Would you please give me some insight on how to add a module? (much like you did with saiku)

Thanks, D

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answered 28 Jun '16, 09:31

dfinzagr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Domen,
Adding a module to Collect is not only a matter of adding a link to the home page... This module needs to be developed and must be integrated with all the context where Collect runs.
I will contact you in private to talk about this.
Open Foris Team

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answered 06 Jul '16, 14:03

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 27 Jun '16, 13:36

question was seen: 5,119 times

last updated: 06 Jul '16, 14:03