Hi openforeis team, I am getting every solution when I face a problem. I am becoming familiar with collect. Now I can design a simple form with collect. I know collect is intended to collect field data and not for analysis.However I have made a form that can produce a simple report on the go.This will help my user to understand the status of forest. They can get DBH class wise #tree/ha, timber(cum)/ha, firewood(cum)/ha, carbon(ton)/ha.These information are useful to interact with community to make idea for their forest management plan.Now I am needing those information in species wise manner. clearly, in example species, count/ha, SHO/ROB, 50, SHO/ROB, 20, ADI/COR, 30, ADI/COR, 30, My answer will be SHO/ROB, 70, ADI/COR, 60. How can I summarize my data with respect of species? Is their any study materials? or any idea that will help me.Thank you in advance.

asked 29 Aug '16, 18:06

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Hi Rajkumar,
Have you tried to use Saiku to generate this kind of report on your data? Simply click on the Saiku link in the Open Foris Collect home page and generate the relational database that Saiku will use, then a new browswer tab will be opened running Saiku.
Saiku is not an Open Foris tool, but it's free and open source and you will find a lot of documentation online on it.
Open Foris Team

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answered 30 Aug '16, 09:13

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

hi stefano, I have collect 3.10.24. In the home of collect, saiku icon appears but it seems disabled. what is wrong with it? how can I enable it? Nothing happens when clicking it.

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answered 30 Aug '16, 14:05

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Hi Rajkumar,
Saiku is bundled with Collect starting from version 3.10. Probably you installed Collect when it was in version 3.9 and now you need to install the Saiku module in a separate step.
Please follow the instructions at the end of this page: Open Foris Collect Installation
Open Foris Team

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answered 30 Aug '16, 14:35

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

thank you very much stefano. That worked for me. It needed to install separately as you suggested.

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answered 30 Aug '16, 16:02

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 29 Aug '16, 18:06

question was seen: 5,387 times

last updated: 30 Aug '16, 16:02