Hi, I have a survey with a lot of codes. When I export it to a .csv file I want to export not only the codes but the labels. Is it possible? Thanks

asked 08 Nov '16, 11:45

migonser's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Migonser,

If you use the export button in the code list editor this should alreadt create a CSV file with the values, labels and descriptions of the codes...

See the result of exporting the list :

alt text

After clicking the export button the CSV generated contaisn all of the data *with labels and descriptions for english and spanish, even if the spanish has not been translated yet)!

Example :

"41","Ba","Ba","Boreal coniferous forest","Boreal coniferous forest"
"43","BM","BM","Boreal mountain system","Boreal mountain system"
"42","Bb","Bb","Boreal tundra woodland","Boreal tundra woodland"
"24","SBWh","SBWh","Subtropical desert","Subtropical desert"
"22","SCs","SCs","Subtropical dry forest","Subtropical dry forest"
"21","SCf","SCf","Subtropical humid forest","Subtropical humid forest"
"25","SM","SM","Subtropical mountain system","Subtropical mountain system"
"23","SBSh","SBSh","Subtropical steppe","Subtropical steppe"
"32","TeDc","TeDc","Temperate continental forest","Temperate continental forest"
"34","TeBWk","TeBWk","Temperate desert","Temperate desert"
"35","TeM","TeM","Temperate mountain system","Temperate mountain system"
"31","TeDo","TeDo","Temperate oceanic forest","Temperate oceanic forest"
"33","TeBSk","TeBSk","Temperate steppe","Temperate steppe"
"15","TBWh","TBWh","Tropical desert","Tropical desert"
"13","TAwb","TAwb","Tropical dry forest","Tropical dry forest"
"12","TAwa","TAwa","Tropical moist forest","Tropical moist forest"
"16","TM","TM","Tropical mountain system","Tropical mountain system"
"11","TAr","TAr","Tropical rainforest","Tropical rainforest"
"14","TBSh","TBSh","Tropical shrubland","Tropical shrubland"
"0","No data","No data","No data","No data"
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answered 08 Nov '16, 13:20

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Hi, That's an option, but what we need is the possibility to include a column in the CSV data export showing the label of every Code list value. Thanks,

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answered 10 Nov '16, 15:06

migonser's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I misunderstood the issue. We will add this feature in the coming version of Collect Earth!


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answered 10 Nov '16, 15:53

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Also in Collect 3.11.9 there is the possibility to export data to CSV including a column with the code list item label, you just have to open the Additional options box and check the relative option for that (the last one in the list).

alt text

Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 11 Nov '16, 11:39

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Migonser,

This feature has been added to Collect Earth (version 1.4.5).

You will need to update your Collect Earth by going to the main menu Help->Check for updates of Collect Earth

In this new version, when you choose if you want labels or not after you click on the CSV export!

Thank you for the feature request and let us know if there are other features you are missing!

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answered 14 Nov '16, 10:39

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 08 Nov '16, 11:45

question was seen: 5,045 times

last updated: 14 Nov '16, 10:39