Hello there,

I want to allow some attributes values to be blank in some conditions. I defined those attributes as "Required only when the expression is verified" during the survey design. It works fine on the preview. However, when I go the Data Management and start entering the data, the form doesn't allow me to keep the value fields blank even if the expression is verified. It says "Error: Reason Blank not Specified". This is making me so confused as the number of errors in validation report increases with this. Anyone have a solution??

Thank you in advance! Milan

asked 18 Nov '16, 08:54

dhunganamilan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Milan,
when you are inserting a new record in Collect (Collect Desktop), you are supposed to fill all values, even the ones that are not required according to the survey definition; what you can do is to specify a "reason blank" for the fields that have no value in the paper form you are copying into Collect. You can do this by right clicking on a field a selecting one of the possible reason blank options or you can use one of the shortcuts available (*=Blank on Form, -=Dash on form, ?=Illegible).
This of course applies when you are copying data from paper forms into Collect.
When you are entering data using Collect Mobile and you will import the data into a Collect Desktop installation, then the data entry process will be already completed and the data will be already in Data Cleansing phase; in that phase you won't be asked to fill all the fields as for the Data Entry phase.
You can find more information on the Data Validation States here.
Open Foris Team

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answered 18 Nov '16, 14:52

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear all,

the survey I am working with shows the same errors pointed out by Milan. Unfortunately, as the attribute in question is of type boolean, the proposed handling of the error is not applicable. Right clicking on a boolean (checkbox) simply does not bring up any reason blank options.

However, the related error does not inhibit the regular work flow. Once promoted, these errors disappear, in line with the explanations from the OF team.

BTW: The provided link above does not lead to any additional information, as the page is empty.

Just thought I'd share this.



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answered 25 Nov '20, 07:49

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 18 Nov '16, 08:54

question was seen: 3,560 times

last updated: 25 Nov '20, 07:49