i got two questions about the Species list in Collect. 1. When I tried to generate a new Species list, i saw 4 columns, Rank, Num, Code and Scientific name. Can anybody tell me what is the meaning of Rank? 2. I downloaded the example file from the website, and tried to imported the file into Collect to populate the species list. The example file has only 10 records, how come the table got 20 records after the importing?.

I am really confused?



asked 30 Nov '16, 00:47

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jinkai,
Basically the species list is a hierarchical list and the Rank is the actual rank in the hierarchy (it goes from Family to the most specific one defined by the scientific names you are importing).
When you import a species name, the system automatically adds an item for the Family and one for the Genus (if not specified by the list you are importing), this is why you will find more rows on the list.
Open Foris Team

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answered 01 Dec '16, 08:09

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 30 Nov '16, 00:47

question was seen: 2,905 times

last updated: 01 Dec '16, 08:09