hi, I have a question, right now I working with open foris ccollect and I got a project in 2 different languages: englisch and russian. When I change the language in the survey designer and save the project, the preview shows the whole form in russian. When I publish the project and go to the Data management the complete form is shown in english again. I would be thankfull for some help robert |
Hi Robert, The preview shows the data entry form in the language selected in the drop down in the top right corner. During data entry instead, the language shown is the one used by your web browser: for every input field, if a label in the browser language has been specified, then that label will be shown, otherwise the default language label will be used. E.g. You defined your survey in English as default language and in Russian. If your browser language is set to Russian, then the system will try to read the label specified for Russian; if they are not found, the English ones will be shown. Thanks |