In SEPAL, I have processed some Sentinel 2A images to create a mosaic of three panes. The resultant files are in my SEPAL data as a bunch of tifs and a .vrt. Selecting these files, I am given the option to filter the selection, download the file, delete files, or deselect them -- nothing more, nothing less. According to the SEPAL materials I have reviewed, at this stage there should also be a "visualize" option, which maps what's in the files, potentially even giving me some options to view histograms and stretch. This "visualize" button simply does not appear anywhere in my SEPAL. Am I missing something here?

asked 08 May '20, 18:31

BrianElTerminator's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry for the delayed response.

Some of the material we have is outdated since the latest version of SEPAL. There is no longer a Visualize app. It had some issues when rendering larger raster files, so we opted to not include it in the release. We're planning to create a new version of it, but there are other features in our backlog that have higher priority, so it will take some time. For now, the simplest option is to download your files and visualize it locally, using your GIS tool of choice.

You have some options when it comes to download:

  • Download individual files from the SEPAL file browser
  • Open RStudio, select your files, click More -> Export and download a .zip
  • Connect an FTP client, like FileZilla, and connect to on the default port 22, or port 443 (if port 22 is blocked for you)
  • If you're a command-line person, use scp or rsync from the same host/port as above
permanent link

answered 18 May '20, 09:21

wiell's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 08 May '20, 18:31

question was seen: 2,181 times

last updated: 18 May '20, 09:21