Hi - is there a good faq/common questions document for new sepal users?

Specifically...I just started playing with sepal and the performance is very slow. Tiles load slowly or not at all. I tried starting larger instances but it didn't make any obvious difference. I am on a google chromebook. Performance seemed a bit better on my google pixel3 phone.

Thanks for any advice


asked 17 Nov '20, 11:56

dbocquet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear David

If you are building mosaics or classifications, or any process that is within the first tab of SEPAL, the PROCESS Tab, then you dont need any instance because it is running on the Google Earth server, not on our AWS.

So you will not solve any issue by changing to a larger instance.

You may experience very different time for the loading of tiles, but that is dependent on Google only and not much we can do.

A couple of good practice:

  • check the tutorials and material we have already on the wiki page: https://github.com/openforis/sepal/wiki (you can scroll down to TUTORIALS section and find some videos)

  • make sure you connect your SEPAL with your GEE white-listed account (click on your username, bottom right, and connect if needed. only need to do it once)

  • if you run classification, it will go much faster if you have downloaded your mosaics as Assets first

Hope it helps, contact us otherwise


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answered 18 Nov '20, 20:51

lecrabe's gravatar image

lecrabe ♦
accept rate: 5%

Thanks Rémi - I watched some of the tutorials and have successfully connected my own google account, The performance isn't great but I guess, as you say, it must be related to GEE.

However i do notice that once i have previewed a larger area, say UK, when i zoom in, all the tiles load again from zero. That adds alot of time.

Is that expected behaviour?

(04 Dec '20, 14:24) dbocquet dbocquet's gravatar image
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question asked: 17 Nov '20, 11:56

question was seen: 2,019 times

last updated: 04 Dec '20, 14:24