I have two questions. Firstly, when using Collect Earth Online (CEO), how do I scroll through time in Google Earth Pro's historical Very High Resolution (VHR) imagery? Secondly, can I use SAIKU in CEO? If not, can I use an output from CEO as input to SAIKU via Collect Earth (e.g. the *.cep file)? I have been using Collect Earth for multiple projects but want to test out CEO because of the flexibility in customizing Geo-Dash widgets. However, I require the Google Earth historical VHR imagery to perform my assessment and the SAIKU program for post-hoc analysis. I read in an older discussion thread that there are plans to add these functionalities into CEO and wanted to know if they are already integrated into CEO. Thanks. |
Unfortunately, the Google Earth Pro historical VHR imagery isn't available for web mapping applications to use. Once data collection in CEO is completed, you can visit your Project Dashboard page to download CSVs of the plot and sample data collected by your users. These CSVs can be ingested into any statistical package (e.g., R, SAS) for offline analysis. You should check the SAIKU documentation to see whether you can upload a CSV directly to SAIKU or if you need to transform it into an intermediate format first. |