I have the following error when I try to download imagery to my SEPAL work space:

{ "id": "f02413f0-d801-4a3b-b85e-7a51f5b5c1bd", "recipeId": null, "name": "Retrieve Radar_mosaic_2022-03-22_12-07-58 to SEPAL workspace", "status": "FAILED", "statusDescription": "{\"defaultMessage\":\"Failed to execute task: \",\"messageKey\":\"tasks.status.failed\",\"messageArgs\":{\"error\":\"ServerException: The specified location constraint is not valid.\"}}" }

It always worked in the past but now it seems there is a server issue or something..

asked 23 Mar '22, 22:46

Marinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Mar '22, 03:35

I haven't been able to recreate this. If you look into the task list in the EE Code Editor. Do you see this task, and did it succeed?

Is the image preview rendering inside SEPAL?

Can you double check that you have a Google account associated with your SEPAL user. You might even want to disconnect and reconnect the user. Then try to export again.

permanent link

answered 24 Mar '22, 11:12

wiell's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

My account is not linked to GEE. I used to have an GEE account but I changed institutions and now don't have access anymore - contacted GEE about that but don't get any response.

I am doing everything in SEPAL (images show perfectly within SEPAL) and the images normally just downloaded into my SEPAL workspace from where I could download the images to my computer. I used to work perfectly but now after several attempts I gave up.

(25 Mar '22, 00:11) Marinus Marinus's gravatar image
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question asked: 23 Mar '22, 22:46

question was seen: 1,397 times

last updated: 25 Mar '22, 00:11