Dear Open Foris team,
I have been an OF Collect users for a couple of years and I have now started looking into OF Arena. It seems that this new tool is what I needed to solve some of my ongoing issues with database management. I tested also OF Arena Mobile. I have 3 questions / requests:

  • In OF Collect, a GPS attribute includes x, y but also accuracy and altitude. The latter two elements are not present in OF Arena. Could you add them? Keeping a record of the accuracy declared by the device is essential for data curation later.
  • In OF Arena Mobile, attributes based on a choice list show the 'item_code' and 'item_label_en' but I do not see the 'item_description_en'. Did I miss something, or is it not allowed by OFArena?
  • If I still have a preference for OF Collect Mobile, and I manage to have my OF Collect survey replicated in OF Arena, can I use OF Collect Mobile to collect my data and then, for database management, use OF Arena in place of OF Collect (so that I have an easy solution for multi-users access)?

Thanks a lot for your help.

asked 16 Jul '23, 06:30

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jul '23, 09:56

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦

Dear Bruno,
Here are the answers to your questions, in order:

  1. in Arena, for the coordinate attribute we will add very soon some options to include accuracy, elevation and even elevation accuracy (that are already handled by Arena Mobile);
  2. Arena Mobile will show soon the descriptions of category items in a dialog that you can open with a button below the label of the attribute (we will let you know when it will be ready);
  3. yes, you can continue to work the way you are saying, but please continue to try to use Arena Mobile too, so you can provide your valuable feedback;

Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 17 Jul '23, 10:02

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Open Foris team, Thanks a lot for adding the accuracy in GPS data collection in Arena. There is now a problem in the 'Form designer' (and therefore the DATA/RECORD view): after adding the 'accuracy' and 'altitude' the corresponding boxes are added to the Form designer, below X, Y, SRS, and it is put on top of the next box, so it 'overlaps' with the next box, and we cannot read it. Can that be fixed, or how can I fix it on my side? Thanks a lot, Bruno

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answered 27 Jul '23, 09:45

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
In the latest version of Arena you won't have this problem: the boxes will have the right height and if you add or remove altitude or accuracy the boxes will enlarge or shring accordingly.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 10 Aug '23, 10:48

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Open Foris team, Thanks a lot for this update. It worked: I managed to migrate my data from Open Foris Collect to Arena, including the accuracy data. Please note that the Arena Mobile app is not allowing for collection of accuracy data though. And also, I have now the problem that when I take GPS data, I tap 'Get location', then when the accuracy is suitable I tap 'Save and return' BUT nothing happens at that point, and so I cannot save latitude and longitude anymore. Let me know if you that this is a problem on my side? Best wishes, Bruno

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answered 10 Aug '23, 13:14

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Bruno

could you share which version of the app you have?, and which device? Thanks,

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answered 10 Aug '23, 18:50

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

My version of Arena Mobile is (9/8/2023), and my device is Huawei P30 Pro, model VOG-L29, EMUI 12.0.0

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answered 11 Aug '23, 06:27

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello @bsenterre, Thanks for your feedback, could you download the latest version >1.0.13, and check if this version tackles those issues?


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answered 15 Aug '23, 12:23

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

Dear Open Foris team, Thanks a lot for your help! The problem is solved. As far as I am concerned, Open Foris Arena Mobile now has the minimum features that I was waiting to shift from Open Foris Collect Mobile (at least partly). I also very much appreciate that you added visibility for the descriptions in code lists. I have seen a few more things that I think could improve a lot the user experience of Arena Mobile, but I will test a bit further and come back to you in another post. Best wishes, Bruno

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answered 16 Aug '23, 05:17

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please don't hesitate to share those findings to keep improving Arena.

Best, Ramiro (OF)

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answered 16 Aug '23, 09:18

Ramiro%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Ramiro (OF)
accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 16 Jul '23, 06:30

question was seen: 1,310 times

last updated: 16 Aug '23, 09:18