Dear Open Foris team, Thank you for your support and rapid answers to my other queries! I have migrated my database into OF Arena mostly because I wanted a solution to make the database available more easily for users' data uploads but also for multi-user data edition. To explore the data in details and with all options I want, I created a Shiny app based on the csv export of my Arena survey. Users can use the Shiny app to find out records and errors that need to be corrected. Once the user knows what to edit, they can log in the Arena survey, then go to 'DATA'/'RECORDS' and go to the record they want to edit. But the problem is that I do not see how to do that in Arena! There is only an option to search for records using 'keys or owners', and when I search for a key, it does not seem to work anyway (nothing gets filtered, no matter if I enter part of an existing key or the full string of an existing key). Is there a bug in the search function, or am I missing something? Is there a possibility to allow searching for records based on more attributes, and even based on attributes of an element at a lower level of hierarchy? I hope that my explanations are clear, but let me know if this needs clarification. Best wishes, Bruno

asked 27 Jul '23, 08:19

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
There was a bug in the search function, but a fix has already been released and you should not have that problem anymore.
Let us know, thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 27 Jul '23, 09:22

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 27 Jul '23, 08:19

question was seen: 4,856 times

last updated: 27 Jul '23, 09:22