Dear Open Foris team, Thank you for adding the 'accuracy' in the coordinate attributes in Arena. Nevertheless, I still have 2 issues with that functionality in Arena: 1. The box for 'accuracy' overlaps with the box of the attributes supposed to be below; I know I can move then manually in the cloud survey but this is not convenient and I am affraid it affects ordering of attributes or something (which is critical in the smartphone data collection) 2. Now that 'accuracy' exists in Arena, I would expect that my accuracy data get imported just like all other data, from my '.collect-data' file, but it is not the case, i.e. everything is imported but accuracy attributes remain empty (although the data does exist in my collect-data file). These two issues prevents me of importing my data in the collect survey that I have transposed to Arena, and it prevents me of starting to actually use Arena (because I want to get started with the survey populated with all my pre-existing data). In order to plan my shift to Arena, can you give me some indication on when this issue will be fixed? Thanks a lot. Bruno

asked 04 Aug '23, 06:39

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
Many thanks for having reported these issues.
We will solve them for sure by the end of next week and we will let you know when a new version of Arena with the fix will be ready online.
Thanks again,
Open Foris Team

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answered 04 Aug '23, 21:59

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 04 Aug '23, 06:39

question was seen: 530 times

last updated: 04 Aug '23, 21:59