Dear Open Foris team, I am shifting from OF Collect to OF Arena, but since Arena Mobile has some limitation at present, I am still using OF Collect Mobile for data collection. Therefore, the data import function of Arena is crucial for being able to use OF Arena. Data import works only if I export my data from OF Collect unticking the option 'include attached files'. If I leave the default (to include attached files), nothing happens after I hit the button 'start import' in Arena). Let me know if you need any clarification. Thanks you for your help. Bruno

asked 10 Aug '23, 13:35

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
What are the limitations in Arena Mobile you are talking about? Please let us know so we can address these issues.
We are already working to fix the problem you have reported about the import of files from Collect and Collect Mobile, we will let you know when a new version of Arena will be available.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 11 Aug '23, 22:43

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Open Foris team, Arena Mobile is already great, but Collect Mobile is greater so far. The two main reason that prevent me from collecting data with Arena Mobile, as we speak, are related to the GPS-accuracy data collection (see I know that you are working on it, and so I should probably be shifting to Arena Mobile after the accuracy collection is fixed in Arena Mobile (I know that it works in 'My Arena Mobile' app). The second key issue I have with Arena Mobile is that, for code lists, it shows only the code and label, but not the definition (although definitions are provided in my Arena survey design). This is problematic because I have one attribute in particular where some users need to refresh occasionally their understanding of categories using the detailed definitions.

Apart from these 2 issues, there are a few other minor ones, for example: -in Arena Mobile, for code lists, I cannot unselect a previously selected class (in case the user changes his/her mind and does not want to pick any element).

Thank you for your help, Bruno

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answered 12 Aug '23, 08:22

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
Please try to import again your data in the latest version of Arena.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 16 Aug '23, 23:34

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Open Foris team, It is still not working. I tried 2 things: -in a cloned copy of my survey, where I had already uploaded my data from .collect-data without images. Since the name of the survey in the collect-data file is the original name (ecoresto) and not the name of the cloned copy (ecoresto_test), I tick the options 'delete all data before import' and 'force import from another survey'. I waited a minute or two but nothing happened. -in a new cloned copy (without data) I did the same but thus without having to check the option 'delete all data before import'. In this case, it gave an error message "ERROR 503" Should I try in my original survey (ecoresto)? Anyway 'ecoresto' and 'ecoresto_test' have the exact same design.

In addition, note that I had another issue that looks like a bug, in the same kind of area. When I cloned my 'ecoresto' survey, I first tried this (which did not work): -export my Arena 'ecoresto' survey with data -In Arena, create a new survey using 'import', from Arena zip, with data -It did not work and I got a message error "3 Users import: Unexpected error: error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "auth_group_user_pkey"". This survey is not shared with anybody else then myself. I got the same error wether I imported with or without data. -I then tried something else: rather then creating a new survey by import, I cloned my original survey, published it, and then imported data from Arena source. This worked without any error message.

Also, during prior import of data into Arena (from .collect-data), I noticed that once I click the button 'start import', it sometimes took a few tens of seconds, which is ok but there was no sign of activity so I would not be sure if he was working on the import or if there was a bug or I had not fully clicked on the button; I reclicked and he imported the data twice. I ended up with duplicates in the survey as he allowed that second import (in place of realizing that these were already in the survey). -is it possible to add a time spanner or something on the 'start import' -is it possible to check that (as in the case of import from Arena) imports from collect-data are also checked for duplicates and updated in place of being imported twice?

Thanks a lot, Bruno

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answered 17 Aug '23, 04:38

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Aug '23, 13:35

question was seen: 852 times

last updated: 17 Aug '23, 04:38