Dear Open Foris team and users, Being a vegetation a vegetation-biologist I make usually forest & grasland relevees including shrub nd herb layers, recording data both with scientific as with vernacular names - often local names are more familiar. My Arena Mobile facilitates now this possibility to enter now both; moreover it is now possible if species consist of 2 names, e.g. Genus species, or American oak - then only 3-4 characters of the first followed by some characters of the second divided by a space leads fast to the species to be selected. Thanks a lot for this: it makes using the app in the field much easier and faster! Hope this feature will soon also be included in the official Arena Mobile! It will also be very helpful that both in Arena Desktop and Mobile both more than one UNL (existing but not yet in the taxonomy list) and UNK (not yet recognized.determined) species can be entered - so not only registered as Unlisted or Unknown, but with code UNL or UNK and (temporarily!) accepted scientific and/or local or nick names... to be adjusted later on during validation. N.B. In Arena Desktop I observed that entering Scientific names not (always?) result in filling also the vernacular name, although existing in the taxonomy - hope that this can be adjusted, I do not see a possibility for this in the Survey designer. Thanks a lot for this very helpful tools! |
Dear Joseph, |
Dear OF team, Thanks a lot for applying UNL (Unlisted) and UNK (Unknown) combined with temporarily/nick species names: 1) I can now explore in Arena Desktop for (UNL) Unlisted and update the species list (in Taxonomies) in one go, and 2) explore for (UNK) Unknown to make a list to be further determined, mostly on the basis of collected material in the field tagged with concerned temporarily/nick name! NB This improvement concerns only to MAM (My Arena Mobile = Arena Mobile Experiments): in the official Arena (mobile) this does not work yet: 2 UNK or 2 UNL are regarded here as double entries because temporarily/nick names are not stored. |