Dear Open Foris Arena team, I have a survey called 'ecoresto' which compiles data on ecological restoration within two hierarchical levels. The root defines restoration events, and the lower level entities include, for example individual plantings. I find OF Arena absolutely great primarily because it allows us to easily have our database as a multi-user tool, therefore allowing various users to edit and improve the data. But one the main issue so far is that the very edition of data is made difficult due to the limited options to explore the Arena database. In 'Data – Records', we can only filter the root level, and only for key attributes. I therefore end up adding a key attribute that concatenate the attributes that I actually want to be able to search or filter. So I can make it work as it is, but when it comes to any element of a level below the root level, there is no way to filter or search entries, not even based on key attributes of those lower level entities. In 'Data – Explorer', I can compile and search using any attribute at any level, but it does not solve my 'editing' needs because I cannot edit things in Explorer, and I cannot explore through more then one hierarchical level (for example building a summary table that would include some attributes of the root and then some attributes of a given lower level element. Would it be possible to: -Allow the 'filter' tool in Data-Records not only for the root but also for lower level entities -Allow the Data-Explorer tool to combine more than one hierarchical level -Allow the Data Explorer to select a given entry and switch to editing mode (as is proposed for example for the Data-Map tool of Arena Thanks a lot for your help, Bruno

asked 20 Aug '23, 04:48

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bruno,
You can use the Data Explorer module to "explore" your data and you can also edit the values directly from there, clicking on the pencil icon on the top bar and switching to the "edit mode".
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Let us know, many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 22 Aug '23, 10:30

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Open Foris team, Thanks a lot for your reply! Yes, this clarified totally my question. I did see the edit button, but somehow I did not find the way to edit. But now it is clear. Best wishes, Bruno

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answered 22 Aug '23, 15:00

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 20 Aug '23, 04:48

question was seen: 1,013 times

last updated: 22 Aug '23, 15:00