Dear OFT, I'm trying to swich from collect and collectmobile to Arena platform. The survey import went fine but when I want to import data using (.collect-data) I get this error : 1,Unexpected error: SystemError: expression.undefinedFunction Many thanks asked 01 Sep '23, 11:36 asmae |
Dear user, answered 05 Sep '23, 09:22 Stefano (OF) ♦♦ |
Dear users, The issue was solved by changing some expressions for checking if a value is already specified which was causing the problem. we replaced this expression :sv_essence1[position()] !='' by this : idm:not-blank(sv_essence1) then re-export the survey from collect to Arena and the the import of records worked fine. answered 08 Sep '23, 11:23 asmae |