Hi, I have a question about setting up OF Arena on a Linux server. Maybe someone already has experience with this question. Can I enter an external, already existing RStudio server in the RSTUDIO_SERVER_URL variable in arena.env, and if so, how can I enter an account when logging in? Which of the variables (RSTUDIO_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_URL, RSTUDIO_SERVER_URL, RSTUDIO_PROXY_SERVER_URL, RSTUDIO_POOL_SERVER_URL, RSTUDIO_POOL_SERVICE_KEY) do I need to add to Arena so that both systems work smoothly? |
Dear user, |
Hi Stefano, thanks for the quick reply. We want/need to run OF Arena on our internal administration network. The RStudio server is a neighbouring server that we already have in operation. My idea was that OF Arena could pass the code directly to the "other" RStudio server. Many greetings |