Dear all, in a current survey I like to hide a whole table if a boolean variable is set to false. This works fine in the desktop preview (my_variable == true + Hidden if not relevant). However, there is no reaction in the mobile version. There I always see the table independent of true/false of my_variable. Is this a bug? Lutz asked 22 Apr '24, 15:50 Fehrmann |
Dear all, the latest version 1.0.45 (168) can hide entities too. Please upload it. Your feedback is highly appreciated! Many thanks, Open Foris Team answered 09 May '24, 07:51 Lauri (OF) ♦♦ Dear Lauri, thank you for your information. The update (1.0.45) is not yet available in iOS App store. I will test updated app when available. Regards, Jiri.
(13 May '24, 09:08)
Hi all, I am adding some screenshots of this problem: hiding working on web app not working in mobile app
J. answered 23 Apr '24, 08:37 jurafejfar |
Could you confirm on the latest version that this works? answered 24 Jun '24, 10:23 Ramiro (OF) Dear Ramiro, with latest version, you mean 1.0.45? Unfortunately, I can not test it as the latest version In App Store is 1.0.42 ( Is there a way how to get latest version on iOS? J.
(25 Jun '24, 14:55)
Dear user, the latest version available for iOS is 1.0.47, please check it again. Many thanks.
(27 Jun '24, 09:40)
Stefano (OF) ♦♦