
My technicians have recently encountered an error when uploading data from AM to the server. When they click on "Send local data", the progress bar loads half way then turns red, but a message saying "Sending Successful!" displays, even though the records do not appear in the Arena survey. They were able to upload data successfully two days ago. No structural changes to the survey have been made during this time. They are both using Android tablets.

Thank you,


asked 15 Jun, 00:05

bnagelson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I forgot to mention this: In Arena, I see an odd rotating circle next to my survey's name. This rotating symbol is where the "publish" button would usually be.

(15 Jun, 00:14) bnagelson bnagelson's gravatar image

Dear Bryant,
We will contact you to your private email address (please check the spam folder too) to better understand your issues, since it seems that you have 1 issue with Arena Mobile sending the data to the server and another issue with Arena "server", because the rotating symbol should appear only for few seconds when something is being updated on the server and disappears when everything has been saved correctly.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 17 Jun, 09:42

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 15 Jun, 00:05

question was seen: 718 times

last updated: 17 Jun, 09:42