Dear Open Foris Arena team, A few years ago, I was a user of OF Collect, which was very useful for my forest inventories. Now I am working in a new company, and we are considering using OF Arena, as it seems to have great potential. The first question that comes to mind is whether I need a dedicated server, such as one hosted on AWS. From reading the installation instructions on GITHUB, I understand that I can work locally by connecting Arena to a PostgreSQL database through Docker. If I have Windows and PostgreSQL installed, can I connect it directly to my computer? I am somewhat new to these topics, but given the potential, I would like to obtain more information. Finally, regarding OF Collect, I remember simply downloading the data through the platform. Does this service not exist in OF Arena? Thank you very much for everything, and best regards.

asked 09 Jan, 09:01

scrofus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear user,
Are you asking if it's possible to connect Arena to your local installation of PostgreSQL? In that case, you will have to install Arena locally (with Docker) and just pass the DB connection parameters as environment variables, otherwise we cannot connect the installation in our server to your local DB.
Regarding the data export, in Arena you can export all the data into CSV files or you can query the data using the Data Explorer and export into CSV files the result of the query.
Let us know if you need further information, we will contact you to your private email address too to better understand your needs.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 12 Jan, 22:18

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 09 Jan, 09:01

question was seen: 148 times

last updated: 12 Jan, 22:18