Hello OF Team,

I have encountered some difficulty when trying to link records between cycles. Here is my workflow that has resulted in this error: 1) Different cycle 1 sub-records collected on multiple devices. E.g. one tablet used to collect sub-record A-1 and another used to collect sub-record A-2. 2) Cycle 1 sub-records are merged into a single parent record "A". 3) cycle 1 parent record A cloned into cycle 2.

Issue: when collecting data in cycle 2, the cycle 1 values are only visible for the sub-records that were collected on that particular device, not for other sub-records from cycle 1 that were merged into the parent record. Using the example above, the device used to collect sub-record A-1 in cycle 1 cannot view cycle 1 data from A-2, even though A-1 and A-2 were merged after cycle 1.

I am using the most recent version of AME - v1.2.9[99] on Android 13 (One UI version 5.1.1).

I was able to successfully link and view all records for cycle 1 across all sub-records on an older device running Android 10 (One UI version 2.1) and the same version of AME.

Thank you for your assistance!

asked 22 Jan, 23:04

bnagelson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Bryant,
If I understand correctly your workflow, after merging the 2 records into a record "A", a data entry user should "fetch" the merged record in cycle 1, then clone it into cycle 2 before starting to collect data into that record, otherwise only a sub-record of that one will be visible.
I will contact you to your private email address to better understand this issue.
Many thanks,
Stefano (Open Foris Team)

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answered 24 Jan, 12:12

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 22 Jan, 23:04

question was seen: 84 times

last updated: 24 Jan, 12:12