
Could anybody please tell me what are the functional difference between the Saiku Server we can download from meteorite.bi's site and the embedded Saiku(beta) in latest version of collect? I see that there is no admin console in the collect Saiku beta version. Why is it removed? Has the functionality of that Saiku Admin Console been added as part of Collect somewhere? Can I use the Saiku(Beta) the same way I can use Saiku Community version?

Thanks, Sushil

asked 17 Sep '16, 11:24

sushil74432's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Sushil,
Basically there is no difference: the one embedded into Collect is the community edition of Saiku server version 2.6. We removed the admin console to reduce the size of the package and because it's not needed when using Saiku inside Collect.
The beta name refers to the way we generate the Mondrian schema used by Saiku. The Mondrian schema is generated starting from the survey design but it's bot perfect yet (there are some cases of complex surveys with nested entities where the generation of the schema fails) but we are working on it and we'll remove the "beta" from the link when it will be (almost) pwrfect!
Open Foris Team

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answered 18 Sep '16, 06:18

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 18 Sep '16, 06:19

Just a little correction here:

In Collect and Collect Earth we use an older version of Saiku from 2013 (2.6) that uses Mondrian 3!

The latest version of Saiku ( http://community.meteorite.bi/ ) is 3.6 and it uses Mondrian 4. Mondrian 4 has a completely different way to define a schema than 3, so that the cubes generated by Collect Earth will not be valid for this latest version.

If you want to use the cubes tat are generated by Collect/Collect Earth you will have to use the 2.6 Saiku version.

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answered 18 Sep '16, 23:03

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

edited 18 Sep '16, 23:05

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question asked: 17 Sep '16, 11:24

question was seen: 5,381 times

last updated: 18 Sep '16, 23:05