
I just saw in the website news that the new version of Collect Earth can incorporate Saiku queries lined to a survey.

Could you please explain how to do this for my survey?


asked 15 Dec '16, 17:09

collector's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The process to add Saiku queries to your survey is quite straight forward.

Say that you have a survey that is already tested and you have already developed some Saiku queries to analyze the data.

If you saved those queries they should be located in a folder in your computer ( HERE IS HOW TO SAVE QUERIES ). Usually this folder will be here (in Windows):


The saiku queries are actually files (you can open them with a text editor) with the extension .saiku!

So you have your queries. Now you need to add them to the survey itself. This is done through Open Foris Collect Survey Designer. Once you go start editing a survey, in the main tab there is a section called "Files" . Here you can add the .saiku files to the survey.

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Done!!! Now you need to export the survey using the Collect Earth format. This generates a .CEP file and if you double click on the file it is open by Collect Earth.

If you run the Saiku analysis now ( Tools->Start Saiku analysis ) you will notice that the Saiku queries that you added to the survey will be available in the Open query window.

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And here it is

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permanent link

answered 16 Dec '16, 21:44

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 15 Dec '16, 17:09

question was seen: 7,280 times

last updated: 16 Dec '16, 21:44