can any one help to solve this problem i have been getting issues in installing openforis cal i got folwoing error message several time alt text

asked 14 Nov '14, 07:01

greenshiva's gravatar image

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closed 10 Feb '16, 16:13

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Mino Togna ♦♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Mino Togna 10 Feb '16, 16:13

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Did you install R in a folder without space? There's a well known bug in Windows with rJava. Please follow all the installation instructions in the documentation.


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answered 14 Nov '14, 14:51

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Yes i did that too and i am getting same message even after too.

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answered 21 Nov '14, 10:20

greenshiva's gravatar image

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Can you please list the following : R version Jdk version Operating system (also if 32 or 64 bit) Path where you installed R and Calc? Thank you Mino

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answered 21 Nov '14, 10:55

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Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

One possible mistake could be that you didn't set the right R path when installing calc.

E.g. if you install R into the folder c:\opt\R\R-3.1.1 , use this path when, during the installation process, it it asked to do so.

Thank you Mino

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answered 24 Nov '14, 11:14

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Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Thank you i do install cal but http://localhost:8081/calc is not opening the page say web page is not available regard shiv

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answered 01 Dec '14, 05:32

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Hello it looks like your installation problems haven't been fixed. Can you please see my 2 answers above and let me know if you answered all them. Especially the one regarding the environment variables. Thank you Mino

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answered 02 Dec '14, 16:08

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hello, I do have the same problem:

"Warning - Problem running post install step. Installation may not complete correctly Error running C:\opt\OpenForisCalc/R windows/install.cmd C:\opt\OpenForisCalc/R windows/: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden [system cant find the path]".

Here the specifics requested by Mino: R version:R-3.1.2-win Jdk version: jdk-8u25-windows-i586 PostgreSQL version: postgresql-9.4.0-1-windows Operating system: Windows 8.1 Pro; 64bit on Lenovo Yoga Path where R is installed: "C:\opt\R-3.1.2" Path where Calc is installed: "C:\opt\OpenForisCalc" Path where PostgreSQL is installed: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL"

Appreciate your support! Thanks Ulrich

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answered 20 Dec '14, 21:53

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para completar la intalacion de openforis me solicitan user y password, en openforis support me registre con el username "aletorrez" me sirve para ingresar eso como user para completar la instalacion

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answered 28 Dec '14, 00:39

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to complete the intalacion openforis me ask user and password in openforis support me register with the username "aletorrez" helps me to enter it as user to complete installation

(28 Dec '14, 00:52) aletorrez aletorrez's gravatar image

Hello all,

aletorrez: the account for the open foris website has nothing to do with the installation of calc, so i'm not sure what to answer.

Ulrich: did you enter the right R path (C:\opt\R-3.1.2) when during Calc installation is asked to do so? (you can check R_HOME environment variable)


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answered 05 Jan '15, 16:16

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hi Mino,

I did enter the right R path. Still the same problem. Any other suggestions?

Regards Ulrich

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answered 07 Jan '15, 19:35

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question asked: 14 Nov '14, 07:01

question was seen: 25,587 times

last updated: 10 Feb '16, 16:13