Hi, I tried to get more results for Plot level, as number of species in each plot. There this line regenSpecies <- sqldf( "SELECT plot_id_ , regen_species_code AS species_code FROM regen " ); caused an error, and I checked in RStudio that regen$regen_species_code was not read in dbGetQuery clause. I could solve this by adding a "fake" line into previous "Regen - Count total" module as: test <- regen$regen_species_code BUT, it so that only those fields are read in which are written into the code under that particular entity? Cheers, Lauri |
Dear Lauri, If you want to have variables read for a specific entity (e.g. regen), you need to add that variable in a calculation step that uses that entity (as you did in the regen – count total). Afterwards that variable can be used in another calculation step. I think you can also add a simple comment that includes the variable. e.g.: # regen_ species_ count in the regen – count total calculation step. Mino |