Hello Everyone, I had set up PostgreSQL to store the data in my old Openforis Collect. Since the new update/install of the Collect I couldn't find any of my work in Collect interface that was previously in PostgreSQL. As new Collect becomes entirely different than the previous one, could anyone suggest me how to set up PostgreSQL to store my database in the latest version? Regards Milan |
Hi Milan, this should work. Go to this folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\OpenForis\Collect and take a safety copy of the original file collect.properties Then change the settings to be as follows: collect.http_port=8380 collect.db.jndiName=jdbc/collectDs collect.db.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver collect.db.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/collect collect.db.username=collect collect.db.password=collect123 collect.db.initialSize=5 collect.db.maxActive=20 collect.db.maxIdle=5 Then start Collect with the Launcher. Regards, Lauri |
Hi Milan, |