Dear OF Team,

I came across the following problem. I uploaded data which was modified by the team and wanted to export the now complete data set. When checking it in Collect everything was filled in and nothing was missing. But when I tried to export a csv using the "field team leader" filter function it would export the old incomplete data set. Only when exporting the cluster through its ID the modified data would be in the csv.

We found out that when creating a backup and restoring it the issue is solved but I guess this is not the way it should be done.

Is there a trick how to avoid this issue? And also is it possible to choose several clusters via their ID and exporting only those?

Thank you for the support.

Best, Rahel

asked 06 Sep '19, 07:35

rbeil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Rahel,
You have to be careful and select the right "step" when exporting the data (Entry/Cleansing/Analysis).
When you create a record from the Data Management, it's step will be "Entry"; then you can move it to "Cleansing" when the data entry is completed, and when the cleansing phase is completed too, you can move it to "Analysis".
If you imported the data from Collect Mobile, the record step would be directly "Cleansing" and a copy of the record in Entry phase is created. If you apply changes to it, only the Cleansing copy of the record will be changed, and the Entry copy won't be touched, this is why you see different data if you don't select the Cleansing step probably.
Please also have a look to our Prezi presentation on the Data Workflow.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 16 Sep '19, 10:55

testricci's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 06 Sep '19, 07:35

question was seen: 2,290 times

last updated: 16 Sep '19, 10:55