I am looking for a solution to share drawings and images added to the map together with data associated. So that users may be able to view this via browser after authentication.

Is OpenForis suitable for such task? And which parts of it should be used?

thanks in advance.

asked 04 Nov '18, 06:38

ilyanovo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think for that kind of use it is better if you use something simpler, for instance Fusion tables or Google My Maps ( https://mymaps.google.com ).

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answered 04 Nov '18, 15:18

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

AFAIK mymaps does not allow to add image overlays, so neither Fusion tables. There is an online tool that allows sharing and image overlays, but may be OpenForis can do the same.

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answered 04 Nov '18, 20:37

ilyanovo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Nov '18, 06:38

question was seen: 3,051 times

last updated: 04 Nov '18, 20:37